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The Prodigy Review Spoiler Free

Got to check out the screening of The Prodigy earlier this week. I was looking forward to seeing this one as a horror fan. The story is a unique take on why the child is what he is. The film start was a bit odd but is a key part of the Miles storyline. As we’re introduced to Miles (Jackson Robert Scott) an extremely smart child we start to see some of his issues surfaces. His outbursts and odd behavior changes are now too much to overlook. His mother takes him to see a doctor after doctor. One night he is recorded talking in his sleep and played for a doctor who sends to a colleague. This is where the film takes off in a fast way and I won’t spoil the rest for you. Overall I like the take they did with what’s wrong with Miles. It seems like it could be something one could believe and make for a good storyline. It was not a scary film by far with a few well-placed jumps scares be warned and don’t get caught. The Prodigy is out now in theaters it’s a good one and Jackson Robert Scott does a great job of playing Miles in such a complex character for a very young actor.