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Amnesia: The Bunker PS 4

Amnesia: The Bunker is a first-person survival horror game. That puts you as a French soldier who is in a bunker and finds himself trying to surive. He must find out what has happened in this abandoned bunker and what has killed the soldiers. He comes face to face with a creature living in the walls that is after him.

You must find resources and ammo to use to fight the creature. The creature is hunting you via sound but has a weakness for light. So you must watch your noise levels as you put the pieces of what has happened here. A gas generator must be maintained with fuel to keep the lights running.

Overall this was a fun game to play the story was good gameplay was great. Controls work well and are easy to understand. The fact of him tracking you by sound added a stealth level to make it a bit harder. The fact that you have to really find ammo which there is not a lot of in the game so don’t waste your shots. I give this one an 8 out of 10. The jump scare is real if you do not pay attention and are making too much noise. I enjoyed this game a lot and was surprised to get into the game so much. Be sure to check this one out now on all major platforms.