You are currently viewing THE SEDUCTION OF ROSE PARRISH Review


The Seduction of Rose Parrish is a film by Director Charles Band starring Kelly Connor, and Justin Gerhard. In an erotic thriller story of a Rose a beautiful young woman moves away from the big city life to a house owned by her family after a breakup. A change of pace should do her well just not in this home filled with secrets. She moves in and tries to make it a home but things start to happen in the home. She starts to dream of a mysterious man who is trying to seduce her.

She starts to fall for this ghost and she starts to try to find who he is as well as contact him. Not knowing he is her ancestor and she is a spitting image of his wife. Her Aunt starts to sense something is going on and tries to stop it but she is too late. A sexy erotic thriller giving the late 80s and 90s vibe of straight-to-VHS films of that era. I give this one a 6 out of 10 for those vibes and it is a short film but it does cover its bases. The real fun for me was that throwback vibe of an era of film I grew up on and coming from Charles Band no one knows that era better than the man himself. Check this one out and take a trip back to those days or discover that vibe for yourself.