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Sponsor Cosplay Mom Paradox Cosplay for Dream Hack Atlanta to attend Cosplay Competition

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Hi, my name is Yerah Montes and I’m a professional model and cosplayer from San Antonio, TX. I’m a single mom of one that strives to showcase and build creative cosplays that will lead to new imagination for attendees at conventions and events. I have been a cosplay guest for such conventions as Alamo City Comic Con, Greater Austin Comic Con, Corpus Christi Comic Con, and many more in the great state of Texas.

Dreamhack is a convention that showcases the best in fandom through gaming competitions, new tech displays, and cosplay competitions. Dreamhack has one of the most prestigious cosplay competitions in the United States! Today, I was just accepted to compete on the Advanced category in their cosplay competition for Dreamhack Atlanta. I have provided them with the process of how I made my Mileena cosplay and that will be the cosplay I will showcase in that event. There at the event, they’ll pre-judge my cosplay, then I’ll perform onstage during the competition later that day for a chance to win the competition.

I will be looking for sponsors to alleviate the strain of finances due to being a single mother of one in San Antonio. I am looking for businesses to help sponsor my trip to Atlanta for Dreamhack and compete against the other cosplay competitors from around the world. I’m looking for sponsors for flight, hotel and food.

We are looking for sponsors to help with:

  • Flight for 1 to Atlanta roundtrip- $450
  • Hotel for 3 days – $400
  • Food to eat in Atlanta – $150

I am are thankful for any sponsorship of any kind to contribute to my trip to Atlanta. I want my daughter and other daughters in San Antonio to know you can compete against the best in the world. I want them to know they can believe in themselves even when the world around them looks very hard. If you like to sponsor, click here:



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