Flamin Hot Review X Emilio Rivera Interview

I grew up eating hot Cheetos in Primera, TX with my friends and family. I know they are called Flaming Hot Cheetos, but in the barrio we called them hot Cheetos. We would add additional items in our hot Cheetos such as hot cheddar cheese, jalapenos, and even diced pickles. Our Mexican culture enjoyed them as it was something that fulfilled our hunger for something hot. I never looked into the story of the creation of hot Cheetos until I read about a new movie coming out. This movie talks about the story of a Mexican janitor that believed in himself and his dreams to create a new food item. This food item changed the world for not only for Mexican’s and Hispanics, but let us know that the American dream is still there to achieve and accomplish.

I was given the opportunity to watch a screening of the movie and I was blown away. Did I tear up a few times, yes I did. Did this movie drum up memories of growing up in Primera and wanting more in life? Yes it did! Then, to top it off, I was given the opportunity to interview El Padrino himself Emilio Rivera. I’m not going to spoil much in this movie, but want to showcase how powerful this movie is for our culture. Flamin Hot will be coming out on June 9th on Hulu and Disney Plus, and I fully recommend that you drop whatever your doing and watch this movie.

Emilio Rivera Interview

Our thoughts


  • Story
    • Richard Montanez was a Frito Lay janitor that wanted to give more for his family but also himself. He wanted to showcase to his friends, family, and father that he is someone and that he can make something of his life. While working at Frito Lay, there were troubles with the factory as sales weren’t that good and many of his friends were getting laid off. In order to help save his friend’s jobs, he worked on creating a new product for Mexicanos. What he did was create a product that changed the world but also gave him the opportunity to seize the American Dream!
  • Mexicano Culture
    • The movie showcased our Mexican Culture in America very well. I felt like they were talking about my life when I was watching what the actors and actresses go through there lives in the movie. I never seen a movie about our culture that showcased correctly, I was and still am SHOCKED!
  • American Dream
    • The American Dream is still alive and going! This story in the movie proves that when you work hard and sacrifice, you will gain something more in life. The American Dream isn’t just your success, but others that you bring along with you in life. Your friends, family, and more benefit from keeping the American Dream alive. This story proves that with hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything!



Rating: 10 out of 10

Watch Flamin Hot on Hulu June 9th here: https://www.hulu.com/movie/flamin-hot-b81d7e5b-e244-432c-af28-bedf3f8e7020


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight