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Photo by Austin Gibson

Decibel Is Now Streaming GREBER’s Crushing New Grind Record “Fright Without”

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Canada’s Greber is the no-holds-barred, to-the-point hardcore grind band that you have been waiting for. For those uninitiated, they are a ferocious duo that keeps it on the low end, saturated with gritty vocals and a no-bullshit attitude.

Veterans in the scene, Greber‘s discography spans 13 years and contains four full lengths and seven splits, they say that their music comes from a place of rationality, it’s something real and visceral, not a sugar-coated illusion. The main message they try to get across with this album is that life isn’t meant to get better, it just is. They continue to explain:

“At the risk of delving too deeply into Deepak Chopra’s tinged pontification, that was really the starting point for most of the material. Hopelessness, fear, age catching up to you, uncertainty, failure. You know, the happy-go-lucky crap that we need to get out somehow, and when we do, we still manage to feel pretty much the same. Like a Steinbeck novel that has been looped for eons with some tasteless humour mixed into it all.”

According to the duo of Steve Vargas (drums/vocals) and Marc Bourgon (bass, vocals) “Fright Without” is a handleless staircase that disorients as much as it overwhelms. It is their testament to suffering and hope, balance and woe, heaven and here. They hope that the listener finds it to be as much of an escape as they do a confrontation.

The album is ten succinct songs composed and executed mostly by Cargas and Bourgon. They are joined on a few of the tracks by musicians providing noise, vocals, and guitars. It was recorded by Sean Pearson at Boxcar Studios in Hamilton, Ontario; it was mixed by Kurt Ballou at Godcity in Salem, Massachusetts; mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege in Portland, Oregon, and the artwork was done by Marcos Guinoza.

Harsh and full of contemplative energy, Greber is recommended for fans of Primitive Man, Black Sheep Wall and Man is the Bastard.

“Fright Without” is streaming now on Decibel Magazine HERE.

The whole album is ready for consumption on September 9, 2022 and will be available from the following labels: Ancient Temple and Nofuneral for Vinyl, CD, and Cassette in Canada, Hibernation Release for Vinyl in the USA, and 7 Degrees and Fresh Outbreak for Vinyl in Europe.


Album pre-order –

Music Video – Into Silence –


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight