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The Siege Film Review

The Siege comes to us from director Brad Watson starring Daniel Stisen, Lauren Okadigbo, and Yennis Cheung. Walker a comprised hit man is sent to a safe house for a new identity to be drawn up. Minding his business he is drawn into a fight for their lives.

Elda is protecting a pregnant woman Juliet who is running from some. Well that someone is a man of power and has found where she is and sent a full-on siege to bring her back. Putting Walke’s life in harm’s way as well anyone in the building.

Now they must recruit him to help survive the siege and keep Juliet alive and her child. They are in for a fight outgunned and numbered they are in for a long fight. Trust and more issues don’t stop them from taking the fight to them. All in the name of saving Juliet and the baby.

I give this one a 6 out of 10 a bit slow and the story is slow to unfold. Some great action makes up for it and the banter they have is good. Check out another banger from Well Go USA Entertainment out now on physical copy and digital.