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The Oregon Trail Nintendo Switch Review

I remember in middle school playing The Oregon Trail on our classroom computers. I thought it was fun going out to the wild west and try to survive in those elements. I didn’t expect so much to happen to my characters such as disease, starvation, theft and much more in one setting of the game. So, when I heard there was going to a Nintendo Switch version of The Oregon Trail, I had to hop on that. I wanted to relive those glory years in my youth playing this game, but I didn’t expect how cool it is in today’s version.

We were able to get this game code to download and install the game on our Nintendo Switch as a review. The game downloaded very quick to our Nintendo Switch and once the game is clicked, we are met with some pretty cool graphics. The most important and new option that I LOVE about this game is getting the Native American perspective. The stories from both Native American and Western travelers made the game seem more authentic and fun. I may have died a few times, boo lol, but I had fun for hours. I did a review below of our time on the game, but this is a fantastic game for all generations of people who grew up with this game.

Here is our review:


  • Native American Perspective
    • I thought this was pretty damn cool to have a Native American perspective of the emerging colonists coming Westward. You are greeted in the beginning of the game of a Native American that heals you, helps you and takes you to the Oregon Trail. I felt this was a perfect introduction of the Native American that helps the travelers gain knowledge of what they need to survive. This is a fact as our Native American’s helped travelers continually throughout the years around the country. Very cool indeed!
  • Updated Graphics
    • The graphics are pretty neat and updated to color! yay! Either way, I liked how retro the graphics were shown but made more modern for fans to enjoy on the Nintendo Switch. I felt this gave the game more of a personality and engagement for a younger a crowd.


  • I died
    • Twice! Haha… I know this isn’t really a con against the game more like a rant though! I should make better choices for my team because they either died from a disease or starvation.

Rating: 9 out of 10

Find Oregon Trail for Nintendo Switch here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight