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The Ambush film Review

The Ambush is a film by Pierre Morel starring Omar Bin Haider and Marwan Abdullah in a gritty war film. That follows a  military unit with some of them getting ready to head back to their families. Just one patrol changes everything in a heartbeat for these men. When an unforeseen pins down one of the vehicles and blocks off the other to provide aid.

Now the men fight for their lives as they take small arms fire and their sitting ducks pinned down. The call for help is met with quickness but they do not know what they are about to get into. The combatants are well orginze and prepared for the upcoming assault. The backup is running to another ambush and cutting off the men that need the help. They try to advance but are met with mortar fire they must pull back.

The men in the pinned down vehicle are not at the point of no return. The drive is now wounded and smoke filling the cab they must make a break for it unknow what lie ahaed of them. Not knowing if help is on the way or the hidden dangers they do not see. A fight for the the lives of all of them is a heating up. Each men before the fight started were talking about the home life not knowing they may never see it again.

A full blown action film for the start I give this one a 9 out of 10 for a great story. The action was fast paced but it draws you into there story. It hooks you in to feeling as you was apart of the that battle. You feel as you are trapped with them or your apart of them sent into save them. The writting and cinematogrophy are outstanding in this film. As well as the actors nail the roles hooking you into thier stories. Give this film a watch and see how it all plays out in the end for the unit. As these brother in arms rfight to keep each other alive to get them ack to their families.