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Swear Jar Canadian Whiskey Review

This is Todd Hoefler with Drop the Spotlight and I just tried a glass of Swear Jar Canadian
Whiskey. Swear Jar Canadian Whiskey is a 40 percent alcohol by volume or 80 Proof that literally comes
in a jar. The point of it coming in a jar is when you finished drinking it is to put it on a table, or a counter
top then each time you swear you put money in the Swear Jar so you have enough money to go by more
Swear Jar Whiskey.

Swear Jar Whiskey has a smooth taste and makes for a great sipping whiskey or you
can mix it with your favorite drink like Coca Cola, Pepsi, or even Lemonade. It’s perfect for a small get
together or even a party. Just make sure during your party you already have an Empty Swear Jar set up
so your party guests can contribute towards the next Swear Jar.

Swear Jar Whiskey is damn good whiskey (well looks like I better put money in the Swear Jar
once it’s empty). It’s smooth, delicious, and highly recommended for you to try this whiskey. This has
been my review of Swear Jar Canadian Whiskey.