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Starfield Xbox Series S Review

Starfield is the new RPG game that has taken gaming community by storm. With hundreds of hours spent by gamers, many are claiming Starfield is something out of this world. Well…technically…its out of this world since its in space though! With more people talking about Starfield, I know I had to take a swig at the game since it was coming out on Day 1 on Xbox.

I have the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and was able to play Starfield on DAY 1 when it first came out! The game at the time had a hefty download of over 100 gigs that had me scratching my head. I don’t know the exact amount as I just kept it downloading on my Xbox Series S while I was in the other room doing my daily reviews here on the website. Starfield loaded up well on my Xbox Series S and displayed some badass graphics! Graphics on my Xbox Series S which I thought it wasn’t possible to get this good for a game. The story was very unique as I’m a hard core sci fi guy, so I enjoyed that. After 20 hours in, I barely scratched the surface to the game. I heard of people are already at over 100 hours and still going at it during the game. So a quick review of the game below so check it out if you have a chance!

Our thoughts


  • Graphics
    • I have a 4k television that I use with my Xbox Series S and wow, I’m so impressed. The graphics in the game are just hella amazing! Even walking around the mine in the beginning of the game, I’m so in awe of everything around me.
  • Story
    • I’m a big sci fi nerd, so knowing there is more to that artifact than most is something that kept my mind intrigued. I don’t want to spoil much, but its hella damn good for the story!


  • Time
    • I am 20 hours into the game and I feel like I hardly scratched the surface on Starfield. There is so much to explore and do including side quests. This game should keep the average gamer busy for months to years with so much to do, but at times, is it too much?!

Rating: 9 out of 10

Buy Starfield now on Xbox Series S:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight