Masters of the Air on Apple TV Plus Is Pretty Damn Good

I’m a huge World War 2 fan who manages to read books, watch documentaries, and shows on the subject. Each year, I would watch Band of Brothers and the Pacific on my television as my go to shows for WW2. I have enjoyed the subject of WW2 and have times use the Allies’ strategy on the war with my own skillset growth.  Apple TV has announced a new show titled Masters of the Air that focus’s on the pilot’s view of WW2. I was pretty stoked on this idea and wanted to learn more of what the pilots endured during WW2.

I was able to get an opportunity to review Masters of the Air from Apple TV. I’m going to be brief on the review as there are so much to cover from this show and I’m still under embargo. I’m enjoying Masters of the Air quite well as this will become part of my to go shows for WW2. The actors portraying the pilots are pretty good and recognizable from other shows and movies. I hope they continue looking into more shows or even movies about the pilots of WW2. There is a lot of story untold that should be shared with the world and Masters of the Air is pretty damn good opening the door on those stories.


  • Pilots
    • We haven’t seen a point of view in depth for pilots during WW2. They showcased what went through their minds while bombing areas of France, Italy, Germany, and more prior to D-Day. I enjoyed learning more about the pilots that were part of WW2 and there stories of what happened while they soared in the skies to battle against the Axis.
  • Prisoners of War
    • In the latest episodes, they looked into the pilots who were captured by German allies and held in camps during the war. We haven’t seen much in television that showcased what the camps that held prisoners of war. This was a good look into how our soldiers fared that were captured by Germans.



Rating: 10 out of 10

Watch Masters of the Air on Apple TV Plus here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight