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Avast! A Giant Enemy Kreb! Sail Forth is coming to Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam in 2021!

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Catch a Bellow Into High Adventure!

To waters! To daggerboard! To canister! To coast! You’ll captain a crew from bespoke ship to budding flotilla to gargant custom fleet in a campaign of discovery amok with ridiculous wildlife, exotic locales and a weirdly persistent pirate threat.
Manage your armament, kit out your vesselry and make wild to waves with the best biffin’ deckhands and spinnaker riggers this way from anchor! While galavanting the Deepblue, you’ll often find yourself bow to barrels with oddballs, odd jobs and oddities alike! It might be you find a wayward sailor eager to race you for treasure, or a Skull Clan outpost gearing to loose roundball at the first sign of a boat like your own!Maybe you find yourself wrung up into a fleet battle or a ships’ duel or a privateer boarding or a–

Avast! A Giant Enemy Kreb!

This goliath snap-nasty was riled to fighting by the antics of the one Belton Skullduggar; captain of what used to be a ship called Ramknuckle a’fore it were smashed to sticks by this raging Island Crested Crustacean!
Dodge ship-seeking Krebubbles and weather volleys of vicious carapace cracking Porcuspines! Fire all guns! Blast through its defenses! Expose the belly of the beast and dislodge the enigmatic glowing DEADROCK lodged therein.

There’s Power in the Glow

Skullduggar wants that DEADROCK. He reckons it’s what turned that Kreb into a giant into an island into a monster.Will you give it to him? Will you take the DEADROCK for yourself and leave him to sea? Will you ask him to join your crew?

It’s your choice, as you Sail Forth!

Sail Forth on Steam


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight