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All You Get Is Me by OCM

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The helmet of air protects everyone that is in under water and in space but can it protect the people outside today? The helmet feeds you air, feeds you voices, and feeds you what you think is life. 

OCM rips that helmet off and helps you see and breath a voice that will change the world around you.

All you get is me is a new song by OCM and brings about the story of life through the helmet of OCM.  The beat is ominous and brings a vibe where you know something is going to tear the fabric of time with it.

OCM’s words yell a silent issue that is not only similar to our own thoughts but told in story like a book to the audience in the song

When you have a chance, glance over the song, dream of being free from the helmet and succeed with the hat off.


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight