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Abigail is a film by director Melissa Vitello starring Ava Cantrell and Tren Reed-Brown. In the story of an unlikely friendship between a troubled girl named Abigail and her new next-door neighbor Lucas. Abigail and her mother were uprooted after Abigail did some very bad things. She now has to start over in a new place and control herself. Just she is about to befriend Lucas who is not the most brave boy.

She stands up for him and is about to become more than friends they build a bond and she gifts him her necklace to protect him. She starts to take things too far as she is a killer and blood will start to be spilled. Her mother does not know how to control her as her father is not in their lives or is he? It gets to a point where she rather kill herself than go on. Setting up the perfect alibi for them both with all they have done.

Abigail is a wild girl and not afraid to kill and she shows it in this film. A twist and some great misdirection make for a great story. I give this one a 7 out of 10 the twist really tied the film together for me. A story of friendship, love, and family. Filled will a crazy girl and a boy finding his value and more.