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Today, we sat down with Lola’s Newfangled Rocker to talk about their start in music, fun stories in the studio, and much more! Be sure to check out their music below after the interview!


How did you get your start in music?

Everyone in the band has had a different experience getting started. We all have played in multiple groups and projects. I think that is fair to say that all of us have loved playing since we were very very young.



You are an international project. What is the message you want to give with your music?

This is a group in which each member brings their own unique individual style(s) and experiences from different parts of the globe. We work to weave it all together, and are very proud to say that we believe the sum is greater than the parts. What we have confirmed in our experience together is that people all over the world are more the same than different, and that the people of the world should come together (as opposed to the politicians). We have all become friends, and it is a tight knit group. We get along great. In our ultimate dream, we would like the rest of the world to follow our path to world unity.


What type of music did you listen to while growing up?

That is the beauty of the group.  We all bring different experiences. For example, Lola’s favorite was the Cranberries. Miguel loved the Beatles. Jezzy loved KISS. Don loved Black Sabbath and the Who.  Kike loved metal bands including Black Sabbath.


What are fun stories you can share while you’re in the studio recording music?

We do everything online, so we don’t have any studio stories to share. However, some of our online adventures have been interesting. One surprising thing that we discovered was that everyone in the group is a big time Star Wars fan, except Lola.  So, we each have our Star Wars nick names.  We told Lola she needed to be Rey, and she’s good with that 🙂 This is another example of how people all over the world are more the same than different.


What is your latest song or album you can share with us?

Our most recent release was a song called “Stop This War”. Instead of a protest song, it is the story of a young woman who is caught in the middle of invading forces. We believe that you can understand more about the impact of war from someone who is effected by it. If you listen, you will understand.


Here is the youtube video –


We also very recently released our self titled debut album Lols’a NewFangled Rockers.


You can listen to all of our songs for free at the following link –

Where can our fans find you on social media for any music updates?


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Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight