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Garden Simulator Xbox Series S Review

There are video game simulators out there that are basically how to’s for multiple things such as building a pc, running a theme park, and many more. I didn’t know there was a simulator to have your own garden though. I was very intrigued on learning how to create a garden and see what I could create. The game we had found is called Garden Simulator, and we are excited that its on the Xbox Series S.

We were able to get Garden Simulator to review prior to the game coming out live. I was able to sit down and play the game daily to get my own thoughts of the game. What I found instead was a peaceful time learning how to create a garden and maintain it was well. By the way, game downloaded quickly to my Xbox Series S and was ready to play in a matter of minutes.

Our thoughts


  • Easy to Use
    • The game controls were very easy to learn and utilize throughout the game. You use different buttons to help put away items, pick up items, and more. I noticed more use of the RT, LT, RB, and LB throughout the game which I thought was cool. I know more focus on games are on the other buttons, but using the back buttons more is cool.
  • Daily Tasks
    • The daily tasks are a huge help for me to understand how to manage a garden. I’m not quite familiar how to create a garden, so utilizing the daily tasks helps me learn more about creating and maintaining a garden. I didn’t know you had to water the plants daily or even prepare an area for a future garden. I just thought you put seeds in the ground and they would grow. This game really gave me an idea and focus on creating and maintaining a garden.
  • Peaceful
    • Garden Simulator is very chill and relaxing and created a good peaceful vibe. Throughout Garden Simulator,  I collected coins by cleaning up my area, bought items, and lastly created plants. I didn’t know how peaceful it can be to have a space to literally farm and relax. I was at ease throughout the game and enjoyed every second of it!



Rating: 9 out of 10

Buy Garden Simulator here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight