You are currently viewing 223 Wick – A Supernatural Religious Thriller Inspired by Hitchcock out now!

223 Wick – A Supernatural Religious Thriller Inspired by Hitchcock out now!

Plagued by visions and nightmares, a catholic priest is ousted from his parish. With nowhere to turn, he follows the sinister visions calling him and discovers a deal he alone must stop. The film stars Alexi Stavrou, Jack Dimich, Dawn Lafferty, and introducing Sergio Myers II.


223 WICK is a throw-back to classic thriller films and inspired by the likes of Hitchcock and Kubrick. It is directed by Sergio Myers, reality TV veteran and documentary filmmaker (MTV’s Sorority Life, Heavens Gate: The Untold Story, Becoming Pony Boi). The film is written by two talented new screenwriters Melanie Clarke-Penella and Jess Byard who spent weeks weaving together the story combining unseen forces from two different worlds. Melanie Clarke-Penella, Cindy Castro DiRusso, Thomas Sjölund, are producing with Myers and Eric Vaughan executive producing. The film also stars the director’s son, newcomer, Sergio Myers II.

Gravitas Ventures will release 223 WICK on digital platforms on September 20, 2022. The film has a running time of 74 minutes and will not be rated by the MPAA.


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight