There Goes The Neighborhood With Bellafante Album 820 Marino Ave.

The lights are up and the speakers plugged in as Bellafante album 820 Marino Ave. blares up at every house party. 

Fog machine smokes up as the the dance floor gets busy as the words of Bellafante stream lines the crowd with each rhyme, each sound and each beat that is bounced from the speakers.

The album is really good and has music and beats that are very professionally produced with each song that can either be played on the radio or even featured on movies. I really enjoy the songs Main Thang, Have you seen her, No Ingles, On the Cool, and Fine Print. This album of music is a house party specialty as everyone is out there drinking from the red solo cups, they can be chilling to the music of Bellafante being played on the speakers of the place.

Enjoy this album from Bellafante and support his music as by checking out his album and purchasing it as well.

Get your music here on GOOGLE PLAY and enjoy 820 Marino Ave. and your guests won’t be disappointed, they will be following you around asking who the artist is and where to get the music from and let them know its by Bellafante!
