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The USB in the Grass Review

For me this has been a challenge to be able to complete. As much as the game is very fun in its own specific way. It can also get frustrating if you cannot find the right way to figure out the puzzle in some of the part of the game. The very unique gameplay of this game is that you can use your own computer and tools to be able to solve this USB mystery. No spoilers here but it does turn out to be a really good adventure and story.  


  • There can be a long grind to figure out the mystery 
  • Able to use your personal PC tools 
  • Very compelling story 


  • Can get a bit challenging and frustrating if you cannot solve a section of the game.  
  • I felt there were at times there was not enough context about what needed to be done to solve the mystery. 
  • Story can be a little bland at times where there would be no progress.  

Rating: I would have to give this game “5” out of 10 

As a whole there is a lot of potential for this game to be very addicting but with the slow grind there are times you are either losing interest or wanting to switch to a different game. “The USB in the Grass” has a very good story and solving the mystery is definitely another something I was not expecting. This experience has in some way given me the tools to be able to become a better researcher on a more personal basis. I would give “The USB in the Grass” a good playthrough if you have the time patience.  


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