As he yells right before he does his patented choke slam, The Big Show often brings the smackdown to his opponent in WWE. The Big Show has been with WWE for many years entertaining fans and securing his legacy as one of the best big men in wrestling. This next chapter for Big Show is actually…a show on Netflix. He will lose the tights…maybe… and stay home with his family on the new hit show on Netflix called The Big Show Show.
The premise of the show is basically The Big Show is done with wrestling with WWE and is at home with his wife raising 3 daughters. As people know how fun The Big Show is, he brings his own comedy style to the TV screen. He had me laughing hard not only at the jokes he made but at the situations he gets into.
A little about his family: He has a wife that is a realtor that sells homes in the Tampa area and gets into her own situations as well. He is raising 3 daughters, which one of them moved from Minnesota to be closer with him. His second youngest daughter is a young activist that likes to shake things up and showcase how powerful her ideas are. His younger daughter though, steals the show from Big Show, as she is basically a little Show but with a tad bit of attitude. She is hilarious with her comedy grips and makes Big Show sweat on her next thing she does at home.
I enjoyed all the episodes and watched how Show transformed from a parent that started to have doubts on what to do in life to, and by the end of the season, yearning more for parenthood and being with his family. This is a fun family show that you can sit down with your children and enjoy.
By the Way, check out the episode 6 , it has some cameos of some cool wrestlers on there such as Mark Henry, Mick Foley and Rikishi.
Go to Netflix and take a binge on this fun wrestling family comedy staring The Big Show!