Find The Square Root Of Pi With Think Geek Sugarland
The board is filled with equations for any company to try and solve using advanced math skills. The board is constantly erased as many companies try to find that solution that has eluded them in the past. The struggle for these companies are seen in the distance but there is a new company in town.
Tatt Me Temporary Tattoos Product Review
Many fans these days are wanting something creative from companies to not only think outside of the box but to put it in words such as dream outside of the box. Tatt Me Temporary Tattoos did something where not only did they dream outside of the box but made that dream into a reality.
Think Geek Invades San Antonio With Record Numbers
As I arrived to North Star Mall around 8:40 AM, I was greeted by a line of hopeful customers that are ready for the new kid on the block. The new kid has a name that is known as Think Geek and has brought out people in the thousands waiting patiently to enter the store today.