Pixel Pals Product Review

Pixel Pals Product Review

Pixel Pals came to PAX South 2018 with a product that is fun, cute and very collectible. The crowds around the booth were stunned and mesmerized by the colorful 8 bit pixiels shown on the wall of Gaming collectibles. The Gaming Department and I made our way to the booth witness the excitement as people of the crowd reached for their favorite characters. 

Spice Your Nights With Ghost Tequila

The flash of lights from cell phones fill up the room as one of hosts scream “Who Wants A Shot?” Nearly a dozen hands shot up in the air as everyone are given a shot glass filled to the brim of Ghost Tequila. This new tequila has taken the country by storm as people are lining up to get their shot glass filled.

Marvel 3D Wall Nightlight – Captain America Review

Marvel 3D Wall Nightlight – Captain America Review

Disclosure: I received this product as a product review, All opinions are my honest review.

Target had some great items at their store and had a great time walking around looking through their isles and seeing what they have. Target had some great items at there store: http://bit.ly/TargetUSFamily . I was astonished when I saw the coolest thing I have laid my eyes on. 3DLightFX  had some awesome wall night lights on the shelves and had to walk to each one and see which one I digged. The one I was astonished and enjoyed was a character for Marvel called Captain America. He is famous for having a shield with a star in the middle and helps America overcome their enemies with swift action and in the proper way.