Smiling Friends is a show on Adult Swim that brings the smiles to the faces of distraught. Pim, Charlie, Allan, and Glep want to make you smile and they will make sure they succeed at that. Their first season was a huge success for Adult Swim this past year which equaled to a blu ray that just came out!
We were able to get a review copy sent to us to check out. I was able to get the package, but it was lost as my zip code wasn’t correctly on there. My UPS person knows my brand and I, so he made sure the package got in my hands even if it was late. I was able to put the blu ray on my blu ray player and check it out.
My Thoughts
- Unique Story
- A group of friends start a business dedicated to happiness to their customers. Each episode, they go through different ways to get their customers to be happy. A lot of satire is used, even in the first episode, where the person has a gun to his head throughout the episode. Later he finds out he enjoys killing and loves life again!
- Episodic Commentary
- I enjoyed the commentary for each episode as it took me a while to understand the premise. Each episode is unique and had a way to see how the writers wanted you to understand from the show. The commentary gave me a better understanding of a few episodes that I had my eyebrow raised on.
- Only blu ray no digital download
- When I got the Blu Ray, usually there would be a code to digitally download the show to watch online. I am a collector and enjoy to keep my blu ray’s in top shape and not used much. I was hoping for a digital download but its all good since there isn’t one on this copy.
Rating: 7 out of 10
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