The thunderous roar of gamers came together on the crowded streets of downtown San Antonio as they head to the event of the year. The anthem of celebration is felt through the crowd humming tunes of 8 bit musical tunes while they wait until the doors are opened. The clock then strikes 10am and the spectacle of PAX South emerges to the fans entering the convention center. An achievement has been unlocked as the crowded grazes to the trophies of gaming future.

PAX South 2018 gave a little bit of everything for all the fans attending the event. Many of the attendees saw the latest in gaming with developers and studios at the event. Our team from Dropthespotlight.com Gaming were able to attend as Press and Special Guest to many private events at the event at PAX South.
One of the best things that was catching many of the fans attention was the array of cosplays displayed by cosplayers. The imagination from the attendees that wore cosplays were just amazing. You were able to see so many cosplays from characters you may remember from books and games you have but there are times where cosplayers were even more creative and used ideas to spice up some cosplays. NERD MEOW featured pic above where able to give Super Mario Bro’s a different spin on character design. They were able to bring the choula out from those pesky Mario Bros. You want to see even more pictures of cosplayers our photographers captured of cosplays at PAX South, then check out our FACEBOOK PHOTO ALBUM HERE.
The talent of social media content creators were among the prowl all over the floor at PAX South. These content creators and streamers were in full effect at the event. Mixer was able to bring a whole bunch of their streamers for the fans to meet there. Discord also had some amazing Twitch streamers and content creators there as well. The fans attending PAX South were able to take photos and get autographs from the content creators. We were able to spot some talent at PAX and get some really good photographs as well. We were able to hang and enjoy some time with our good friend TENTANMAN during the event. He was able to introduce us to some cool new friends such as TokymonGrey pictured above.
The music featured at PAX South was just amazing with the addition of the Magfest stage in the second floor. The event was organized by DJ R.O.C.K.M.A.N. and featured such acts as Creative Mind Frame, Eye Q, Bitforce, and many more! The artists performed with their musical talents and gave the fans an enchantment of clear vision to their musical path.
PAX South 2018 was the gift that kept on giving for fans attending the event. PAX South 2018 featured endless amount of gaming gauntlet with developers showcasing their newest games to the fans. Fans were able to see a creative approach from cosplayers showcasing their unqiue designs. They brought the characters out of the screens and gave fans a way to get some really cool pictures. Artists gave fans a chance to see and learn more about the Nerdcore genre up close. Friends were made, networks were claimed and memories were everlasting after the doors closed for PAX South 2018.