We were able to travel to New York to attend New York Comic Con as media guests. Thank you to TnT Productions, ATT Southwest, and Westover Hills Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics for sponsoring our trip. We were able to attend for 2 days and we were able to compile some information for this article!
Here is our review of New York Comic Con 2019
As the doors opened, the halls begin to disappear with the swarms of people walking right in. You can not see an empty part of the floor anywhere as there were swarms of fans. I have been told the number was 250,00 fans but we didn’t get that verified though but it felt like it. We walked around looking at the various vendors at the convention and saw many names I never thought of seeing at a comic con. Many big name vendors such as Funko, Bluefin, Chevrolet, Boom Studios, Image and many more. The Whos-Who of pop culture brands were here to showcase the newest projects or products had to the fans.

We had a schedule to follow as we roamed the halls looking at vendors. The maze that we had to take to find our way to find the booths were taunting yet exciting. We met many of the people that we had scheduled to interview and there were some that we just interviewed right on the spot such as with Dan Fogler from Balls of Furty and The Walking Dead. There was was one interview that blew me away personally and left feeling like 10 years old all over again. We have been Spawn fans for many years and being able to talk to Todd Mcfarlane was just pure amazing. We were ecstatic just learning more about Spawn, Image and how people should take opportunities.

We saw that many Studios and streaming platforms were having many announcements at New York Comic Con. Facebook Watch had information pertaining to The Birch and other studios such as NBC, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon, CBS, Disney, Apple were all showcasing new trailers for some epic new shows. We were able to sit down and talk with Legion M founder Jeff Annison. He was able to tell us more about Legion M and the movies they are financing such as Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and Memory: The Origin of Alien.

Cosplay was just amazing there at the convention. Many people I spoke to had told me that this convention is notorious for having the best cosplay showcases in the world. I didn’t believe them at that moment but after two days at New York Comic Con, I fully believe it. There were so many creative cosplays that I was floored by it. We were able to talk to Holly Wolff in the cosplay area. She was able to talk to us about Vero and how they are building a new era for cosplayers.

Thank you to Smitten Kitten Cosplay for being able to help us with interviews, travel around New York and building connections with businesses and vendors at the convention. You can follow her on INSTAGRAM HERE!
All in all, we had an amazing time at New York Comic Con. I will have to say this: This was the best comic con I have ever been to at this moment. They showcased a new reality where our pop culture is going to in this era. What we saw today is an introduction of what the next 10 years of our pop culture will be going into. I have to say then that our pop culture is in wonderful hands as it was displayed at this convention. Thank you to Frank from Frankyzphotography and another thanks to Smitten Kitten Cosplay for being such wonderful team members at this event. We will be sure to come back again next year with a longer stay and more team members involved.
All pictures and interviews will be posted on DTS FB and DTS YOUTUBE pages respectfully!