Young Nissy’s life is changed upside down when she visits her Nan’s house. She is a teenager going through life like any normal teenager, but what she learns more about her past that shocks her. She starts to unravel her families past but exploring her Nan’s house and finding books and old shrines. She also meets a man named Reggie who sprinkles some truth about her and Nan’s house by letting her know a witch lived there.
This graphic novel has suspense, love, beauty, torture, mischief, and attitude rolled into a life size taco and with every bite you take, you are wanting more to satisfy your appetite. The story and lore from this graphic novel gives you the salsa to pour into that life size taco for that extra spicy taste. I have enjoyed learning more about Nissy and how she see’s the world through what she feels is right.
You can find NicNevin and The Bloody Queen out now at book stores and comic stores!