You are currently viewing Nadia Vaeh Delivers Powerful Song called Leap of Faith out now!

Nadia Vaeh Delivers Powerful Song called Leap of Faith out now!

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Nadia Vaeh Delivers Powerful Song called Leap of Faith out now! Those first 20 seconds of the song where Nadia talks about her situation just sucks you into the lore of the song. Yes I said Lore! Nadia Vaeh presents what many songwriters don’t do much these days which is present a quick backstory to hook the reader into the continuing the story. In this case, it is a song, that starts off with Nadia talking about her situation using a acoustic guitar and then pounds the wall with the full band performing afterwards. I enjoyed listening to this song and hearing her journey of her life and how she just takes that risk. Digging the song hard!

listen here:


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight