Jus Beatz Demolishes Them All With Cookies and Milk

The plate has been laid out with some fresh cookies and the glass is just about filled with milk. Jus Beatz sits down and smiles as he stares at the wall filled with wanted posters and wonders you know you just about to get it.

Jus Beatz looks through the case files and then smiles again before he throw his words out the speaker.

He spits out fire that burns the wanted signs and smoke engulfs the area. The cookies are half eaten and the glass of milk is about about eaten. The time has come for Jus Beatz to demolish some bow tie wearing suit that only thinks he cool when he types on the computer.

This track lets you know that if your not ready to handled the words, then you shouldn’t open your mouth. Jus Beatz makes it sure that they know how words can be when used right. He makes sure that they aren’t only burned from the fire but they are covering in fear from the sounds of the music that comes out of the locker.

Check out more music from Jus Beatz on SOUND CLOUD and read about his adventures on TWITTER and enjoy this diss track. I laughed out loud many times listening to this track.


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Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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