Today, we sat down with The 3148s to talk inspiration to write music, musical heroes and much more! Be sure to check out The 3148s music below on Spotify after the interview!
What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your
It really depends. The batch of songs on our first EP, Domestic Bliss, were largely inspired by Married life. All of us are married and most of us have kids, so that experience lends itself to some very interesting inspiration. Our second EP, Sanctuary, was written during lockdown and really, the first time we played the songs live together was in the studio. That album leads to a more dissident tone and themes. In general though, the songs that are penned by Ian predominantly involve love, loss and relationships. Whereas the songs written by Greg are more topical or based on whatever historical narrative that he is taking a deep dive into at the time and how that history relates to what is going on today.
What type of music did you listen to growing up?
What makes our sound unique is that we all come from very different musical backgrounds. Ian Coote (vocals, Guitars, Keys) comes from a more Americana and folk rock background and draws influences from Tom Waits and the Eels. Greg Jones (vocals, guitars) ventured more into blues and classic rock with everything from Led Zeppelin to Jack White. Tom Jones (dums) is our resident metal head who cut his teeth drumming to Metallica. Jason Seifert (bass) is all over the place, growing up listening to lots of new wave (Depeche Mode and the Cure ) and punk (Dead Kennedys to NOFX).
Is there someone you looked up as a hero?
This is a tough one. In terms of musical heros, we all kind of worship at the alter of Jimmy Page. His blend of the blues fuzed with rock is imprinted over all our sound. We all love pretty much everything Dave Grohl has done, not only musically, but just his attitude towards life and fame. Grohl seem to be an archetype that you can be an genuinely good dude and still be successful.
If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?
Considering 3/4th of us are all practicing attorneys, we have a hell of a fall back career. Music is something that we all use to clear our minds from the stress of work and just life. So even if we weren’t playing in a band, don’t know that we would ever not play music. Bob Marley said it best, “One good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain”. Music is our pain relief.
What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create
Never stop creating. No matter how many rejections you get.
The hardest thing about creating art is releasing it out into the world and finding out people don’t like it. Get used to that and be OK with it. Focus on the 10-15 people that love your music and not the ones that don’t. If you focus on the ones that love it, that number will grow. No matter who you are, some people will just not like your music, so block them out and keep creating.