We are able to sit down with the band Space Jam and talk a bit about music. We talk about their inspiration to write music, words for other musicians and much more!
Here is the interview:
What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your surroundings?
I don’t remember what really inspires me, maybe it’s all about love and hate and human feelings and stupid things like that I guess. There are no messages in my songs as they all are personal experiences or personal trips. The songs resonate with the mood I am in at the moment. You’ll either find them great or find them shitty and that’s fine with me.
What type of music did you listen to growing up?
The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, all the UK and US Punk bands (Sex Pistols, Damned, Clash, The Ruts, UK Subs, Ramones, Television, DK, Dead Boys, Bad Brains…) Siouxsie & Banshees, The Cure, Joy Division, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, RHCP, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam… They are all influential because they are a part of the musician I am today. It’s not something I am conscious of when I am writing songs, but it’s in my brain in my soul, I can feel all these great musicians in me.
Is there someone you looked up as a hero?
Yes my very first hero was Elvis Presley, because he had a very punk attitude on stage and in addition he annoyed my grandfather to the highest point which made my mother laugh, who was a very big fan.
Then, John Lennon, a creative genius who single-handedly made the Beatles not just be another little rock and roll band but took them to another level, and also he was a punk soul too, I’ve always loved his positioning. with respect to the English crown and then with respect to the Vietnam War. Then there was John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) the charismatic leader of the Sex Pistols, I adore him from day one and until today. I love his honesty, his positioning, his way of seeing the world. In addition The Sex Pistols were the first group that I had the chance to see on stage in December 1977 at Brunnel University and it’s thanks to them that I am a musician.
If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?
If I weren’t a musician, I think today I would be dead. Music has always allowed me to express who I am and my emotions, which I would never have been able to express otherwise. In addition to my job as a musician, I have often had to work in very diverse and varied jobs, and I kept telling myself that I could never have been a simple employee and that if it was the case I would already have committed suicide!
What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create music?
Get on the stage and play no matter what, no matter where, just play, your music will grow from that.
Never let anyone tell you what you are doing is right or wrong. If you feel this job is truly for you, then you will find your audience. You know it’s going to be tough, the road to success is long and tedious, but at the end of the day you’ll be happy with what you’ve accomplished, then you’ll be the happiest human being on earth. This is the only thing that matters. Hang on to your dreams and never let go…
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gno-ownc9Cw[/embedyt]