Interview with SHINIGAMI

Today, we sat down with Shinigami to talk about their start in music, fun stories from the studio, and much more. Be sure to follow Shinigami on social media and listen to their music.


How did you get your start in music?

That’s a very long story!!Individually, we were all drawn to music since we were kids and picked up one instrument or another at an early age. Some of us stuck to their first choice of instrument, others chose to focus on another instrument along the way. For example, Dionisis, one of the band’s founding members, started playing synth at the age of 8 but some years later switched to electric guitar. Some people grow up with music, others find it along the way. The same happened to us.

What type of music did you listen to while growing up?

A common starting point for all of us would be Greek music (both traditional and modern), as is the case with pretty much every Greek household. Other than that, we grew up listening to a wide range of musical genres such as rock, pop, punk, funk, soul, classical etc. And, of course, all of us were fervent listeners of all things heavy metal.

What are fun stories you can share while you’re in the studio recording music?

We’ve been active since 2009, so, as you can imagine, we’ve got tons of fun stories to share.

A particularly funny one that comes to mind happened way back in 2013. We were at the studio recording vocals for a 3 song EP we were working on and our, then, lead vocalist kept fumbling up the words of one song. As a means of alleviating tension and helping him relax, “reset” and do the song properly, Dionisis (guitar) and Lefteris (guitar) started cracking increasingly silly and inappropriate jokes at each other. Pretty soon,everyone in the studio were reduced to tears with laughter and the session had to end because no one could keep it together.

A recent one was when Lefteris (guitar) was recording his parts for the song “A tale to remember” andcould not, for the life of him, remember how to play the main riff (a riff that he wrote, mind you). It was at that point the other members of the band and our producer started relentlessly making fun of him, with remarks such as “Are you sure you are not having a stroke?”, “Do you remember where you are? Do you remember WHO you are?”etc, being thrown around. (by the way, he did eventually remember how to play that riff).

What is your latest song or album you can share with us?

We recently rearranged and re-recorded 4 songs from our 2020 album entitled “Back From The Dead”with our current lineup and under the watchful eye of producer/musician extraordinaire Bob Katsionis, which we would be happy to share with you.

We would also like to share with you that we are currently working on our next album, which will be released in 2024.

Where can our fans find you on social media for any music updates?

They can find us on:

