Today, we sat down with the band Perseide to talk music inspiration, heroes, and much more! Be sure to check out their music on Spotify after the interview below!
Here is the interview:
What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your surroundings?
Julien (vocals/lyrics): As a medical doctor in anaesthesia and critical care, the things I’ve seen in the hospital make me remember that when you’re in good health, you have to love your life and seize the day! That’s a concept we like to inject in our lyrics and chords: enjoying the little things that are enjoyable, listening to music, losing yourself in a rock show and live it up!
What type of music did you listen to growing up?
Julien: We have a lot of inspirations: personally, I came into metal music with classic bands like Metallica or Slayer. Adrien (lead guitar) was educated with progressive metal and Guillaume (bass) is a big nu metal fan! As for Anthony (drums), he’s into electro music and that’s why he loves to kick his bass drum so much!!! But when it comes to modern music, the bands that have inspired us the most are Avenged Sevenfold, In Flames, The Used and Enter Shikari!
Is there someone you looked up as a hero?
Julien: As a big Metallica fan, I always considered James Hetfield as a hero! When we began playing music, I was so obsessed that I learned every one of his moves to reproduce them on stage! Today, I took my independence (laughs) but I kept some bad habits from this period: you can see in the music video of the song “Fade Away” that I still love to sing with my mic set very low!!!
If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?
Julien: I would love to spend my time travelling around the world to help the people in need with the aid organisation I’m in at my hospital.
What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create music?
Julien: Play what you love. What give you chills. You don’t have to be technical or to follow imposed rules. Do what you feel and play it with your heart. Music is made to enjoy and share.