Interview with Michael Webster

Interview with Michael Webster

Today, we sat down with Michael Websiter to talk inspiration to write music, heroes and much more! Be sure to check out Michael’s music below on Spotify after the interview!


What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your


Yeah, mostly! All of my songs are really influenced by the situations I find myself in, my outlook and surroundings are a definite inspiration. I also get inspired by things like books, other music, TV shows, loads really, but it all ties into the experiences that I have.

What type of music did you listen to growing up?


Initially I grew up on classic rock, like Bruce Springsteen and the such, but as I got a bit older I listened to a lot of heavier stuff, a lot of metal and pop-punk which definitely is a part of my music now. There’s also a lot of hip-hop I listened to!

Is there someone you looked up as a hero?


I think my musical hero would be Neil Young – someone whose not afraid to go against the grain, not traditionally a “sellable” artist, tries out new things and is welcome to musical change! His grunge albums in the 90s and the country-rock album “Ragged Glory” made a world of a difference to me.

If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?


I have no idea. Music has been a part of my life for a long time now and it’s the first thing I’ve done that I knew I wanted to do – I’d probably be working a job I’m not all that interested in haha. It’s a great escape from the work you don’t really find much interest in, and I’ve just ended up being able to do it as a living now!

What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create

My best advice is to just do you. There’s a lot of people who simulate something, or try to be something they’re not – everyone has their own unique qualities and that’s what is beautiful about the community, the diversity and differences between people yet they’re still able to come together and enjoy it all!
