Interview with Jenna Leigh-Raine

Interview with Jenna Leigh-Raine

Today, we sat down with Jenna Leigh – Raine to discuss her inspiration to write music, heroes, and many more. Be sure to check out the music of Jenna Leigh – Raine below on Spotify after the interview.


What was you inspiration writing your music 
Jenna. My inspiration for the new project comes from a distopian vision of a state controlled by hybrid’s.
What music did you listen to growing up
Jenna. Growing up myself and my brother were heavily into music. His preferences were mainly with Pink Floyd, Ian Gillan, Saxon and ‘Numan. Mine were a mix a from rockabilly to New Wave.
Someone you looked up to as a hero
Jenna. Aged 14 year I liked many bands Japan but my musical hero has always been
Gary Numan
If I were not a musician today what would I be doing
Jenna. Well I’m also a established Medium which has taken as well as music around the world.
Your advice for musicians out there wanting to create music
Jenna . My advice for anyone wanting to go into music is #1 write your own songs. Publishing is your insurance’. Do it cos you love it. Never ever give up and find your lane’.
I’ve been in’ music for a long time. First noticed by a french music producer in my late teens. Proceeding this I have both been signed dropped ‘re-signed. I have been with my current publishers for over five years.
I feel a sense of duty to pass on my knowledge, more because as I’ve worked in many areas of the industry. As an Artist, Producer, Songwriter.
Understanding Contractual Agreements, Publishing and the importance of image.



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