Today, we sat down with Starash and Owen from the band Dying Vision to talk about their inspiration to write music, heroes and much more! Be sure to check out their band Dying Vision music below on Spotify after the interview!
What is your inspiration to write your music? Is it your
Starash: outside of music itself, I draw inspiration from themes such as the power of nature and the cosmos.
What type of music did you listen to growing up?
Owen: Early influences included but were not limited to Swedish (Scandinavian) Death Metal. For example, Edge of Sanity and Pan.Thy.Monium.
Is there someone you looked up as a hero?
Owen: I have a growing list of bass gutar heroes including but not limited to: Bass guitar musician influences: Geddy Lee, Jack Bruce, Erlend Caspersen, Steve Di Giorgio, Jereon Paul Thesseling, Steve Cloutier, Eric Langois, Tony Choy, Victor Wooten, Evan Brewer, Geezer Butler, Anton Zhikharev and D.D Verni.If you weren’t a musician, would you be doing today?
Owen: This is difficult to answer because music has and still been a big part of our lives. With other bands, families and work commitments, our spare time is also somewhat limited.
Starash is a keen photographer and myself I did Judo between ages 7 and 16 so perhaps something further in martial arts.
What advice do you have for our fans out there that want to create
Owen: A few anecodotes which do not need much explanation and are worth re-affirming: ‘If there is unusual physical pain during practise, stop and check it’, Practise and performance are 2 different disciplines – recognise and respect them both’, ‘Strive to be as self-sufficient as possible and do not over-rely on others’, ‘Get the core idea down first – worry about refinements later’, ‘be resilient to a ton of changes along the way’ and ‘find humour and levity along the way to ease dealing with some of the unavoidable BS’.