Interview with Chiral

Interview with Chiral

Today, we sat down with Chiral’s bass player Bluster Bhoy to discuss there start in music, fun stories in the recording studio, and much more! Be sure to check out the music of Chiral below on Youtube after the interview.


How did you get your start in music?

I started playing guitar at 15 & started my first band a year later, recorded demos &
performed support shows & battle of the band shows soon after.

What type of music did you listen to while growing up?

The Beatles, The Police, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Megadeth & Thin Lizzy

What are fun stories you can share while you’re in the studio recording music?

Silly stuff really, when I couldn’t figure out why I was no longer hearing playback through
head phones, cause I have accidentally unplugged them while bouncing around the live
room, but I think someone else has turned the volume down! Funny now, at the time not
so! Until someone’s pointed it out!

What is your latest song or album you can share with us?

In the Company of Wolves is our latest single release and music video, it’s a belter! Go
check it out!

Where can our fans find you on social media for any music updates?

For all things Chiral
go to
