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Having Fun With Deanna Wheeler

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  • Post category:Home / Music

When someone tells you, “Hey, get your headphones on and check out this artist, you won’t regret it”… you should be listening to that person! I went on Youtube to check out this artist and was blown away! The amount of hair and fun involved in her music video “I Can Lie” is just pure awesome!

After a few listens, I had to search for more music from this talented artist on Youtube. I found a few concerts out there from various people that have posted a few songs from local concerts. She did an amazing job in each one and was astonishing on how amazing her voice is. I felt that I was just listening to an angel which a voice that commanded your attention but caressed you with her loyalty.

I’m digging this artist Deanna Wheeler! She is someone that will be on our radar for concerts, music releases and more. She is just a hop and skip away in Texas and we will be watching her to possibly get an exclusive interview.

Be aware and be ready for this new emerging artist that we were recommended. Be sure to have your headphones on and if you have the hair I don’t then throw it all around and sing I can Lie.



Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight