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Fury Unleashed Review for PS4

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Fury Unleashed is an action-packed comic book style based game. A fury of bullets flying and melee swings. Just to make your way through the page of the game’s map. The game is full of action and extra in-game side quest to unlock extra items. A ton of weapons to find the game has an in-game build system for you to tune your character to your play style.

The game was easy to get into and fun to play you can play co-op or a lone gunman. The map gives you the option to explore each room or find your way out quickly. Fast travel in-game to rooms you have pass-through to make quick location changes. The extra challenges in each map add to the games fast pace kill or be killed feel.

The bosses are fun and will give you a run for your money. A heavy combo-based game gives the player a challenge to get the highest combo one can. Fury Unleashed is out on Steam and PlayStation 4 and other systems now give this one a  try and unleash your fury.