Today, Free League Publishing announced a publishing partnership with acclaimed Italian games studio Two Little Mice (2LM) for its award-winning cinematic action RPG Outgunned, published under the Free League Workshop sub-label for externally developed games.
The Outgunned core rulebook is now available in the Free League webshop, alongside the expansions Action Flicks and World Of Killers, the mini-campaign Project Medusa, and a Director Screen. Outgunned will also be featured at the Free League booth at PAX Unplugged from December 6 to December 8. See additional details below.
Outgunned is a cinematic action RPG inspired by classic action and heist movies. In Outgunned, you play as a group of Heroes struggling against a Villain to try and save the day. Always outnumbered. Always outgunned.
Outgunned features a game system called Director’s Cut; a set of mechanics using small pools of six-sided dice to determine the outcome of the Heroes’ actions. When rolling dice, your goal is not to score the highest or lowest possible number, but to roll two-, three-, and four-of-a-kind.
During its Kickstarter campaign last year, Outgunned quickly gained traction in the roleplaying community. It exceeded its €10,000 goal and raised an impressive €286,323, unlocking all stretch goals.