Elephantmen 2261 Season 3: Theo Laroux Meets The Elephantmen Comic Book Review

Elephantmen 2261 is quite an interesting story to read even for people who hasn’t read the series yet. Little bit of elements from past issues are shown throughout this latest issue. I am one of those that hasn’t read the other issues but was able to gain more of a glimpse while reading the comic. I enjoyed the story starting off with Theo Laroux wanting to know more about The Elephantmen. I enjoyed the art of the people, animals and more throughout the comic. I felt a futuristic vibe while looking through these images in the comic.

Theo flies into Los Angeles from Europe and discovers a big change in the city. Many of the inhabitants are animal/human hybrids that have taken a role as citizens in the city. The story goes further as he continues his investigation of the Elephantmen and learns more that he wants to. The questions he had written out are doubled as the answers aren’t what he wanted!

Get Elephantmen 22261 here:

Elephantmen 2261 is available upon release, at no additional cost, for members of Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited, and comiXology Unlimited, and for purchase on Kindle and comiXology. Prime Reading offers all Amazon Prime members a rotating selection of over a thousand top Kindle books, magazines, short works, comic books, children’s books, and more – all at no additional cost. Kindle Unlimited offers over 1 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and select current issues of popular magazines for just $9.99 a month with a 60-day free trial at amazon.com/kindleunlimited. ComiXology Unlimited now offers over 25,000 comics, graphic novels and manga for just $5.99 a month with a 60-day free trial at comixology.com/unlimited.


Editor / Writer / Producer For Drop the Spotlight

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