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Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Death #5 – Ahoy Comics Review

By: John C. Mayberry


I was excited to see I would be reading another in Ahoy Comic’s stellar collection of comics and laughed so hard I think I just destroyed my lungs.  Really, my sides still hurt, but in the best possible way.  Seeing Poe’s name attached to it, I was stoked.  And after reading issue five of Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Death, I was and instant fan.  It has the right amounts of bizarre, funny, spooky, and a whole slew of other qualities that make this series stand out in the comic industry.


First thing going for it is that it’s an anthology series, very reminiscent of the pulp magazines of the comic industry’s ancient past of magazines like Tales from The Crypt or Amazing Stories.  With a variety of stories that gives you plenty of material to read, the art is also as diverse and provides plenty of eye candy for those squishy little orbs located in your eye sockets.  As great as an anthology or pulp magazine can be though, there’s also occasional issues with story pacing due to the limitations of the issue’s length.


Although entertaining, some may feel there is more to be desired if the story in question had been fleshed out more, had this issue been longer than the thirty-two pages I read through.  But regardless of the length of the comic, you also get to see Poe himself narrate the stories within as a kind of Rod Serling-like figure (the creator and host of the original Twilight Zone for you young readers), which was unique, but also funny as hell.  For sure, Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Death #5 is an enjoyable read that has more than paid tribute to pulp magazines of years past, and dare I say, surpassed it.  Still not convinced, are you?  Edgar Allen Poe, dressed as a leprechaun, annihilated drunk and passed out leaning on a keg.  Come on, you’re curious now…



Artwork – A variety of different art styles come along with this issue which are pleasing to the eye to the point where you’ll find yourself studying and appreciating every detail of all that beautiful insanity.  Just don’t do anything crazy and literally glue your eyes to the pages, that sounds like it would really suck.

Writing – Just like with the artwork, this comic includes a fantastic variety of stories centering on…well…just the strange and unusual.  Interesting ideas, the style in which they’re written, it’s freaking great.  It really does carry the pulp magazine nostalgia with it, and in the best way possible.  When I get to read more of this series, I’ll go into it with excitement, knowing I’ll be seeing something new in each issue.



Pacing – The stories in this issue were good, but as with any anthology comic book or pulp magazine there is also the risk of the limitations that occur due to the length of the issue.  With this comic only being thirty-two pages long, story potential was unfortunately lost when it could’ve been expanded.  The sequence of events can feel abrupt, which may make some of you feel like you were being rushed along.


OVERALL SCORE – 9.5 out of 10

A very fun read, and if you haven’t checked it out yet you are really missing out.  The works of the various artists and writers is something no self-respecting comic book nerd would ever ignore and feel good about themselves afterwards.  Pacing aside, Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Death is a good read and one you’ll have a lot of fun with.  So go out, get a copy, and enjoy!