DTS Gaming Crew Plays: A New Ongoing Video Series

DTS Gaming Crew Plays: A New Ongoing Video Series

In an effort to keep you informed on the whereabouts and plans of the Drop the Spotlight (DTS) Gaming Crew, we are introducing a new video series called “DTS Gaming Crew Plays”. The first game we’re going to spotlight is Stoneshard, a rogue-like dungeon crawling RPG that has so far been brutally unforgiving, you can view the video below.

An official review will be up later this week, so keep an eye out for that.The ongoing series will have each member tackle a game and record their progress through it.. If there’s a game you’d like to see us spotlight, contact us via the information underneath the video. Thanks for your unwavering support!


About Me: I’m a video/tabletop game and tech reviewer, content creator, and game member of the Drop the Spotlight Gaming Crew. If you have questions about any of my content, reach out to me at maurogarcia@dropthespotlight.com. You can also view our gaming content on our Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram pages at DTS_GamingCrew, our videos can be viewed on the Drop the Spotlight YouTube channel and check out our gaming podcast where we cover news, press releases, and our own personal experiences in the gaming world.