Creatures of Ava Xbox Series S Review

Creatures of Ava Xbox Series S Review

The Withering is consuming a planet that is turning beautiful animals to crazed lunatics as well as trapping others in various places. Vic, a young explorer crash lands onto a planet while her friend Tabitha is in orbit trying to get back to her. Vic learns more about the planet while walking around and meeting people. The gorgeous landscapes will strike an awe into your vision that will lead you to happiness. The plant and animal life is very unique that you just want to take pictures of them all. Well. You do. You start to catalog the animals and plants with your own version of a camera.

We were able to get a digital review copy of Creatures of Ava to try out on our Xbox Series S. Creatures of Ava downloaded pretty fast onto our Xbox Series S console. Once downloaded, I was able to start the game up where it showed the story of Vic crash landing and more of the planet in a cool anime sequence. Once your there on the planet, you navigate around looking at the amazing landscape while trying to figure out where your at. You will fall into a temple and help an archeologist find a staff that will help destroy the Withering while also learning about the culture of the people on the planet past and present. I really enjoyed playing this game and continuing as well. I fully recommend this game for people to try out as well!


Our Thoughts


  • Story
    • I’m a bit of a history buff so learning more of a past culture in a game is a plus for me. I enjoyed learning more of the current population that inhabit the planet as well as the culture that used to live there as well.
  • Visual Design
    • The design team went all out in Creatures of Ava with the visual design. The colors of the planets, animals, and characters are well done. Those colors create a bright looking game that features a visual striking of the story that help garner more attention to.
  • Unique Puzzles
    • One of my favorite puzzles is using a flute to cast with animals in order to have them move around. I liked that creative approach for a puzzle. I also liked putting pieces together in order figure out more of the story of the Creatures of Ava.



Rating: 9 out of 10

Buy Creatures of Ava on Xbox here: