Category: Video Game Reviews
Lego Bricktales Nintendo Switch Review
Lego Bricktales is a game that brings the adventure and creativity of building with Legos to the gaming world. I’m a huge Lego fan as [Read More…]
Parasite Pack Xbox Series S Review
Parasite Pack is a two game pack that is sold as one for gamers to check out. Both games are puzzlers that will have you [Read More…]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge Xbox Series S Review
The turtles are back with even more pizza, more turtle style and of course some rad music in TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge! I have been hearing [Read More…]
Liberated: Enhanced Edition Xbox Series S Review
Liberated is a pretty damn cool and unique game that has been out for a while. We were able to review this game before on [Read More…]
Slipstream Xbox One / Series S Review
Slipstream is a racing game where you try to be number 1 and beat your opponent. Your opponent can range from a scientist to a [Read More…]
Hello Neighbor 2 Beta Xbox Series S Review
When you think of something better than the original, you want to be wooed! You want to be able to say you can’t put your [Read More…]
Phantom Breaker Omnia Review by Charlie Cobra Reviews
Phantom Breaker Omnia is a 2D anime fighting game developed by 5pb and MAGES and published by Rocket Panda Games. It’s available March 15th on [Read More…]
CyberPunk 2077 1.5 Update Xbox Series X/S Review
Next-Gen consoles got a real big treat! Cyberpunk 2077 just had their massive 1.5 update where this gave PS5 and Xbox Series X/S users the [Read More…]
Kung Fu Kickball Xbox Series S Review
We are huge fans of Kung Fu fighting through movies, literature and art. We were shown a game called Kung Fu Kickball that mixes Kung [Read More…]
Liteboxer VR Review Oculus Quest 2
New technology for fitness and health has been evolving for years! As our technology grows, scientists find ways to make fitness and health easier and [Read More…]