We were able to get this review copy and here is our thoughts on the latest issue of Captain Ginger Season 2 #3 Dogworld.
The story arc is getting very interesting in the comic book and we are excited. The introduction of the new planet and the dogs in the story is getting very good in my opinion. I have to say that the dogs on this planet are a bit similar to our feline heroes.
With the Lumen on there tail, the crew has to find a way to survive in this new planet. I’m wondering if the Lumen will come into play later on the issues but we will see. Dogworld looks like a place where our feline heroes will have to figure out if they can survive here and work together with the residents of the planet.
Captain Ginger Season 2 Comic #3 Dogworld comes out June 10! Get your copy here: https://comicsahoy.com/comics/captain-ginger-season-two-3