1 thought on “At the Movies with Alan Gekko: The Mummy “99”

  1. Dear Writer, the excursion to the tomb was not as dry and dusty as most scholars would expect. Miss. Marian (excuse me, Miss. Evie) added plenty of relief to the mixture. Whether it be providing us with tears of laughter due to graceless blundering, or watching her get thrown overboard into the river in some of the most ridiculous sleepwear for the time period (Nope, sorry…don’t think my brain ever shuts off completely). She adds plenty of vitality to this slice of cinema.

    The movie was superior in the fact that the audience was expected to use their imagination for the truly gruesome death scenes, nobody’s imagination can be outdone by special effects. But that being said…the special effects with the faces created in the sand and storms was exceptionally placed throughout the entirety. In addition, the music score had you ready to to join into the skirmish at all times.

    The visit to the world of the Egyptian Kings was a nice excursion, definitely one worth repeating. Action and laughter made for a lovely Sunday afternoon.

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